Property Management from UK




I have been renting my house in Ireland since January 2001 (ish), but my problem is my estate agent. He is the only one in the town where I am from but he keeps missing my mortgage payments. The tenants pay him on time, but he doesn't pay me on time, and the bank (AIB) then write to me showing 'unpaid fees' charged to me. I have spoken to him about this many times but he either says it is 'online' and won't happen again, or he blames his staff. I now check my mortgage payments every month online from the UK and see that he hasn't paid, and then ring him and remind him.

But this can't go on. Can anyone tell me what I can do, please? Bearing in mind, he's the ONLY company in the town who does lettings.

Tell him you are not happy with constantly missing your mortgage. If you have ever had any contact with the tenants give them your mortgage account details and get your account on-line so you can check when they have paid. then tell the auctioneer to invoice you quarterly for his fees. Otherwise tell him you will ask a family member to look after the house for you. Is it north south east or west ireland
Thanks for that Money Man.

I have thought about dealing with the tenants directly, but as they are both elderly, should anything happen, I will need the estate agent to find new tenants for me.

My property is in Southern Ireland (Tipperary).

Thanks again

I dont think it would be possible to deal with all the issues with renting the house out but with regards to transfer of funds there is probably no need to pay it to auctioneer and then on to you. if you tell him that you want the money lodged straight to your account and then he can invoice you for his fees quarterly or you will set up a direct debit for his fees. alternatively most companies will do a let only serviice and would charge one month rent to set up payment and find tenant(of course find tenant first) if they are elderly then its not as if they will be moving regularly and i understand that something may happen but that is a fairly basic risk of any tenancy.