Please don't report spam or respond to it

Brendan Burgess

For technical reasons, most of the spam appears in Askaboutbusiness.

If you want to start a new thread, make sure you don't use a vague heading as we delete these threads without reading them.

Please don't report spam to us. We find it quickly enough and delete it. Our mailboxes are full of spam reports.

Please don't post funny responses to spam posts. We can identify spam easily by the vague headline and the fact that there are no responses.
I have a list of plugins and other measures to look at when we have time. If there are any plugins you've found particularly helpful on your own boards, please recommend them. I'd prefer to allow a bit of spam through then leave a genuine poster stuck in a moderation queue we will probably never look at.

We had image verification enabled until it broke recently, so we had to disable it temporarily. That's what seems to have caused the current deluge.
Image verification isn't ideal as it is inaccessible for blind users. There is an alternative you can use which uses simple text:

For spam: - automatically close old threads. Most of the spammers tend to hit older threads, so this stops that occurring. Moderators / Admins can still reopen threads if wanted. - checks the user's IP against a DNS blacklist etc., Really handy as it will block a lot of the bots from Asia

Blocking certain domains (ie. their emails) also helps. A few of us started sharing our blocklists here:

