People Trafficking with Aer Lingus


Registered User
I heard a reporter on RTE refer to Aer Lingus employees as employees, not "Wurkers".
Will he sacked or just sent to a camp for re-education?
An no, the crooked ones are clearly employees, all the honest to goodness, 'hard-wurking' folks are still wurkers.
If,as the Garda suggest,this has been going on for years and up to 500 people have gained entry using this method you would hope serious questions would be asked about the security of Dublin airport.
It beggars belief that no could spotted someone getting from airside into the country so easily.
Doesn't anyone at Dublin airport watch the CCTV cameras ?
An no, the crooked ones are clearly employees, all the honest to goodness, 'hard-wurking' folks are still wurkers.
Yes, of course, my mistake.
The bad guys might actually be "Management" and so part of the evil "Employer Class".
They may have being watching the Wurkers instead of doing there own job.