Pensioners: Employee Tax Credit on ROS?


Registered User
For the first time in my life, I'm using online method of making Tax Return for the year 2017 instead of the usual paper form! Having had registered and opened 'MyAccount' successfully, I went over to the section for reviewing/adding/updating income, etc. When it comes to Tax Credits, as I'm just retired and my other half retired a few years ago, I was unsure about the "Employee Tax Credit" on the list of credits allocated to us. As both of us are now longer engaged in paid employment and now on pensions (State and occupational), should the "Employee Tax Credit" (1,600 euros for each of us) be deleted or left alone? I had sent an enquiry by email to ROS Helpline but no word.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance,
State and occupational pensions are deemed employment income so you are both entitled to the employee credit.