Motor penalty points and insurance renewal


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got a notification letter yesterday about 2 penalty points, my first. I renewed my insurance on Monday and was asked all the questions i.e. do you have any penalty points. Obviously I said no as I was not aware of them then. Coverage begins midnight tonight. Should I declare them now?
You should always tell your insurer any relevant facts.Generally,2 points adds nothing to the premium,but if you have a claim,and haven't disclosed all relevant facts,this could be a difficulty.
You should always tell your insurer any relevant facts.Generally,2 points adds nothing to the premium,but if you have a claim,and haven't disclosed all relevant facts,this could be a difficulty.

It adds nothing to the premium but with Aviva it reduces your discount which is basically the same thing
My insurer at the time I got (my only) 2 points wasn't Aviva,and I was not loaded.I guess the policy is different between different insurers
Aviva dropped my 20% discount for 2 penalty points, I just got my renewal notice, and saved €150.00 by shopping around, same conditions.
You should always inform your insurer of any changes to your circumstances and position.
They insure you based on risk and assessment of future risk.
They take delight in refusing a claim when they learn of details were not
fully disclosed.