Oireachtas Committee meeting to review Tax and SW report

Brendan Burgess

Wed 9th November

17.30 Committee on Budgetary Oversight CR2, LH 2000​

Examination of the Commission on Taxation and Welfare Report — Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 14
Representatives from Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)
Representatives from Social Justice Ireland
Representatives from Nevin Economic Research Institute
Dr Micheál Collins, Assistant Professor of Social Policy, UCD
Wed 9th November

17.30 Committee on Budgetary Oversight CR2, LH 2000​

Examination of the Commission on Taxation and Welfare Report — Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 14
Representatives from Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)
Representatives from Social Justice Ireland
Representatives from Nevin Economic Research Institute
Dr Micheál Collins, Assistant Professor of Social Policy, UCD
Only in Ireland

"Representatives from NERI" and Dr Micheál Collins (ex-NERI) addressing the same committee session. o_O
Only in Ireland

"Representatives from NERI" and Dr Micheál Collins (ex-NERI) addressing the same committee session. o_O

My immediate reaction - you beat me to it!

Add in Social Justice Ireland and you've got a full house from the National Handwringers and Bleeding Hearts Alliance! De Paul must be a bit miffed!