Obamas getting freedom of Dublin

Ceist Beag

Registered User
What a pathetic decision by Dublin City council to award the freedom of the city to Barack and Michelle Obama. This smacks of a way of giving two fingers up to Trump, basically saying we liked the last lot more than we will ever take to you!
There is absolutely nothing Obama did for Ireland that merited special treatment here. And sure didn't he get a petrol station named after him down the country, isn't that enough!
Well in fairness to Barak, didn't he get a sleepy town in the middle of nowhere on the map? We can't depend on Eurovision anymore, you know! Just think of the exposure rural Ireland received as a result of the visit of the Obamas. Tell you what, if he wants the Freedom-of-Tipperary, let's give it to him.
at least the Obama's didn't try to wreck part of the west coast of Ireland by building a wall to protect a golf course.