Motor no claims bonus query


Registered User
i have a full no claims bonus (9yrs) my motor policy is up in janurary and i wont be renewing it, my question is if i decide to take out a motor policy at a later stage ( in 1 or 2 years time) will my no claims proof of bonus be valid or will I be treated as a first time driver with no history because of the break in cover?
It comes down to each insurance company. Generally most will accept it for up to two years.
Hi, I wonder if anyone can help.

My boyfriend's car was stolen in January, it was bashed around a bit and abandoned. He made a claim and has had a really difficult time doing so, he can never get through to the guy he's supposed to be dealing with. The car is fixed now and he's still waiting for the cheque to pay for it. He was told he would lose his no claims bonus over this, but I think this seems very unfair. He obviously didn't do anything wrong, fair enough if he crashed the car but he didn't. He found out today that his premium has almost doubled from last year, had this not happened he would have had a two year no claims bonus(he's only been driving for that length of time), and it would have gone down. Does anyone know if this is right? Should he have to pay more? Since then the car has been broken into and had stuff stolen. He's not covered for fire and theft anymore, as the car is officialy only worth €150, despite him paying over €2000 for it in October.

It seems like he's been really badly messed around over this, after having not done anything wrong himself.
Amyc you need to check the policy documents to see if a loss of NCB following theft is mentioned in it. It sounds like this is what happened in your BF's case. If you haven't got the policy document to hand, ask the insurer for a copy. Some insurers view the NCB as a no claim bonus rather than a no blame bonus, so non-fault claims may potentially affect the NCB.
There are a few insurers out there who don't affect your bonus from theft claims. However your boyfriend made a claim so why would you think its unfair that he loses his no claims bonus? Of course it is right.