New York - people's thoughts on US travel at the mo & in particular NY?


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Was hoping to get to New York with my daughter this April (Easter time) It's a much postponed trip due to pandemic.
Be interested to hear people's thoughts on US travel at the mo & in particular NY?
I wonder will Joe Biden drop the requirement for test before travel for vaccinated folk?
Also do I have to take PCR test at Dublin Airport day prior to travel? Someone just told me an 'official' antigen would do?
Obviously will take out insurance but Goddam travel sure got a lot more complicated!
Also do I have to take PCR test at Dublin Airport day prior to travel? Someone just told me an 'official' antigen would do?
Why depend on some randomer's advice when there's official guidance readily available?
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Why depend on some randomer's advice when there's official guidance readily available?
Thank u Clubman.... Yes I've read that few times, want to be sure I'm understanding it does this mean an antigen performed at home & filling in attestation will suffice?

'Air passengers will also be required to confirm in the form of an attestation that the information they present is correct'
I doubt that self attestation is acceptable but you could check with the embassy.
I doubt that self attestation is acceptable but you could check with the embassy.
I'm not looking for some randomers advice I was asking opinion, perhaps of some recent travellers seen as the official guidance is not easily interpretable
I travelled to Chicago recently. Official antigen test was required within a specified time before travel (1 day for me). There were very few travelling which made for very comfortable flights. The most stressful part was getting documents together/completing them (ESTA, vaccine cert, antigen test, passenger locator seemed endless and not all documemts had matching names). Aer Lingus use the Verifly app which is great when docs scan but I had issues with some docs having my middle name. Figured out in the end that you can manually upload (rather than QR scan) and they manually check them and accept/reject) but still went to the airport not knowing if I could actually fly as not everything matched my passport name. In the US things were very like here but I believe mask wearing is gone now in NY
Nothing to do with Covid but a relative of mine in the New York area warned me last year not to travel there post-pandemic as he reckons its soaring crime problem has made it no longer safe for tourists to visit. The same person has since personally witnessed a murder while driving through the city.
The Post report that New York crime is soaring, but it's just come back up to pre-Covid levels. 2021 murder rate was 25% down from 2001, robbery down 50%.