Multiple exclamation marks!!!!! What?????


Registered User
Drives me mad. What is wrong with people who use multiple exclamation or question marks?
Typos, bad grammar, etc., no problem, don't care as long as it is reasonable understandable. But why oh why the urge in some people to butcher the keyboard? I mean, it takes effort and all that...

To quote Terry Pratchett:

Multiple exclamation marks,' he went on, shaking his head, 'are a sure sign of a diseased mind.' -- in

Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind. -- in

'And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.' -- in
Think of multiple exclamation marks as the pre-computer-era emoticons.
I'd consider them quite essential. For instance:

"Johnny voted for Brexit"


And yes, I don't know what it is but there's something especially pleasing about five exclamation marks. :p:p:p:p:p
Exclamation or question marks have to come in odd numbers, so one, three or five. Something looks wrong to me if there are two or four. I cannot logically explain this!
The one that gets me is people who write "where" instead of "were". I just can't understand it but it's surprisingly common. All that unnecessary aspiration makes me hyperventilate involuntarily.
The one that gets me is people who write "where" instead of "were". I just can't understand it but it's surprisingly common. All that unnecessary aspiration makes me hyperventilate involuntarily.

In fairness I know the difference if focused, but I have looked back at some emails\posts I have written and my usage was *ahem* far from perfect.
The one that gets me is people who write "where" instead of "were". I just can't understand it but it's surprisingly common. All that unnecessary aspiration makes me hyperventilate involuntarily.
"Left" instead of "Let" is one that gets me.
T the one that gets my goat is...."I could of" instead of "I could have"
Another total head wrecker is "is is". It may not even register with you until one day you notice. Then all of a sudden you can't get it out of your head ever again. Americans do it the most, but it is creeping in everywhere. It goes like this:

"I'm worried about North Korea. The reason is, is that they have nukes."

"The problem is, is that the public don't care".

"The situation is, is that my rent is too high".

Sorry for spoiling your day, but you are now going to notice this all the time. Even worse, if anyone tells you "the situation is that my rent is too high", that's going to start sounding wrong even though you know it's right!
Predictive text bugs me. I have made some clangers and had to correct with apology. And yet it is useful so I don't turn it off.
People referring to "Government" instead of "The Government" annoys me.
For example, "Government will have to sort this issue out" or "This is an issue for Government".
People referring to "Government" instead of "The Government" annoys me.
For example, "Government will have to sort this issue out" or "This is an issue for Government".

People referring to The Government instead of The Taxpayer bugs me!

"The Government will have to put more money into Irish Rail" as an example.
The one that gets me is people who write "where" instead of "were". I just can't understand it but it's surprisingly common. All that unnecessary aspiration makes me hyperventilate involuntarily.

Yeah, bugs me to. I know were you're coming from !!!!!
People referring to The Government instead of The Taxpayer bugs me!

"The Government will have to put more money into Irish Rail" as an example.

Agreed, Firefly, as in:

He served in The Government of '73 to '77 should really be: he served in The Taxpayer of '73 to '77 o_O
Predictive text bugs me. I have made some clangers and had to correct with apology. And yet it is useful so I don't turn it off.
Replying to a query around my preference for an area to have lunch, I intended to text back "I prefer Grafton Street". Unfortunately predictive text transmitted this as "I prefer Graft on Street". Try it:oops: