Move my private pension to public?



I'm wondering has anybody got any advice on moving my pension from the private industry where I worked for 6 years, to my now public pension. I moved into public industry 3 years ago.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of doing this?
I'm wondering has anybody got any advice on moving my pension from the private industry where I worked for 6 years, to my now public pension. I moved into public industry 3 years ago.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of doing this?

Gordon, F off, this souffle is not overdone....
what pubic sector are you talking about? You can transfer from private to public in some schemes. You would need to get a statement from the private company stating the value of the pension. This € amount could be transferred into the public scheme by purchasing service. For example €50,000 transfer value, cost per year of €12,500 would give 4 years service to be used when calculating your pension benefits. You should contact your HR Department to see if it is possible. You need to see what your public sector pension entitlements would be without the transfer value V public sector entitlements with extra purchased service. You then need to find out what the potential pension would be if you left it in the private company (I know nearly impossible to tell!) Evening