Ministerial Pensions; 5% tax rate


Registered User
This article makes the claim that former ministers in general, and Pat Rabbitte in particular, are paying 5% income tax on their pensions. I find this very hard to believe. Can anyone substantiate or debunk it?
Hi Purple

Sounds like complete nonsense - where the tax rate is as accurate of his "4 years" in the Dail??!!...........and this is from someone who isn't at all a fan of ".....sure this is what you do during an election campaign!!"
Hi Purple

Sounds like complete nonsense - where the tax rate is as accurate of his "4 years" in the Dail??!!...........and this is from someone who isn't at all a fan of ".....sure this is what you do during an election campaign!!"

I agree it sounds like nonsense but I'm looking for something solid to use to debunk it.
Not debunking it but Ivan Yeats was on The Last Word promoting his book last Friday and when Matt Cooper asked him about his pensions he out lined what he got...

These arent exact figures but he said that he gets roughly €70,000 a year from his TD and ministerial pensions and after tax he said he came out with a figure of thirty something.... (dont remember the exact figure he mentioned but it was thirty something thousand)
Looks like a sloppy article. Also says Bertie is 14 years away from normal pension age.
Ugh - the first sentence alone hurts my head to read. The English is dreadful!

Pat Rabbitte is the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources has walked away with a pension more than those working 30 years could save up for..
Even the basic arithmetic is appalling - their numbers don't add up
In total, over €100,000 will be paid to a staggering 30 ex ministers this year, with Bertie Ahern leading the pack with an annual pension of €152,331 – despite being 14 years younger than the regular pension age. Cowen is just behind with yearly payouts of €151,061.'
This is probably what the author of this particular piece of tripe was attempting to report on

Also worth looking at this article