Looking for brokers (& fans of insurance) for an MSc survey


Registered User
Hi all:
I'm working on an MSc considering how financial sectors with sensitive information - especially insurance - think about IT security in the current climate of multiple breaches, public distrust, and data protection regulation change. I'm interested in both the Life and general insurance business, but also would be delighted to hear from general brokers and employees, and even suppliers as I am really struggling to find people willing to express opinions at all.

Really its simple: I'd like to know what you think about how the sector, the company, you yourself, manages the problem of protecting client security via IT technologies - also I have a few questions about data protection as it is a closely related discipline, often handled by the same people. I've a Google forms survey up at https://goo.gl/forms/yvXHIlAsKVy5ikd92
If you are interested (even as an "interested party") I'd LOVE to hear from you as getting people to talk has been a real challenge. Or if you know anybody to pass it on to. Its a very quick survey - no more than 5-10 minutes.

Thanks a million
