log out problem

You could try clearing your browser cookies - that should make sure that you are logged out. If you are using Internet Explorer then use Tools -> Internet Options... -> Delete Cookies... However, this will delete cookies for all sites that you use just in case you don't want this!
thanks clubman i have a very basic knowledge of computers and there is no mention of cookies when I went to internet options, will just have to leave it
What browser are you using? What version (use Help -> About to find out)? If you are using a recent version of Internet Explorer then there should be a Delete Cookies... button on the Internet Options property sheet.
Oh - IE5 doesn't have the same user interface for clearing cookies as IE6. I'm not sure how you clear them on IE5. Perhaps they get cleared if you delete your temporary internet files through the IE Internet Options dialog box?
You could try downoading a tool called iSystem Wiper that might do the trick (clears all cookies and history etc. on shutdown).
excuse my ignorance how do I download it I just have a very basic knowledge of computers
Don't bother logging out. It just means that you'll have to log back in again to post!