Loan sale by bank


Registered User
I was speaking with the person looking after my loans recently. My loans are in a resolution area within the bank. He tells me that the bank are de-risking their balance sheet and I can expect my loans to be sold. All of my personal loans are performing and well secured (from the bank's perspective). However I have a joint and several loan where the other borrowers would not pay, the loan went into default three years ago and the underlying property has been sold for 10% of the value of the loan. About E1.2 shortfall now.

I have basically pleaded with the bank with which I have longstanding relationship to entertain a write-off but they will not hear of it.

Anyway my questions are:

1. How much would a loan be sold for?
2. Do the bank give personal information about the borrower to the buyer of the loan?
3. Do the loan buyers do deals to settle and what are the likely terms?

Any help would be great.
The key to this is what assets are available to the potential loan buyer to chase re the j&s loan you have.
Ie can the 1.2 be realised by you all being pursued, up to and including bankruptcies of all of you?
To ur questions.
1. Not really relevant to u as it will be a composite number for the portfolio.
2. Yes
3. See first sentence.
It really depends on what else is in the book, are u the garbage that must be taken with the better stuff, as with the asset gone, u are not the jewel in the portfolio:)
Another question.

1. Who are the buyers of loans from the banks?
2. Do they have policies as to how far they will go in seeking monies?
3. Are they governed by any Central Bank policies?
