Lidl App Purchases.


Registered User
Can you only purchase one special offer item when you use the Lidl App?

Generally I don't use their App as it is too troublesome but occasionally I see an item that I might like to stock up on.

I find the Lidl app pretty good. If you get a €1 discount off your shop, you can use it several times. Only problem I have encountered is that stock of discounted offers tends to be low. This week I got tea bags for 60 cent, blueberries for 63 cent, 4 quarter pounder burgers for €1.38 etc.
If you get a €1 discount off your shop, you can use it several times
Can you do this in the one trolley load? For example put 6 boxes of your tea bags that you got for 60 c per box and get the discount on the 6 boxes during the same visit.....or do you have to come back the next day to do it?
No you can't do it on one trolly load. You would have to come back the next day. Not sure if this is a glitch with the app that hasn't been resolved but you can def avail of the €1 discount on every trolley load until the voucher expires.
No you can't do it on one trolly load. You would have to come back the next day. Not sure if this is a glitch with the app that hasn't been resolved but you can def avail of the €1 discount on every trolley load until the voucher expires.
That's a glitch in the app I think. When I use a 1 euro coupon once, it disappears from my app, and I can't reuse it. You get a new scratch card with your next purchase (usually a free product of some sort) instead.
I'm trying to avoid supermarkets than visiting them every other day. Two years on and I still can't get over the number of people walking around supermarkets with no mask on, masks under their nose......people coming up and standing beside you, on top of you at check outs etc. This includes the staff......

I was in a card shop in Stillorgan yesterday. Looking for an inflatable balloon for our grand son. This woman came over to where we were standing and stuck her face right in front of us and started edging her way in to the space that we were occupying. She couldn't even wait two minutes until we were finished......the annoying thing was that she then moved to the birthday card section....after we had moved away from the balloon section......Maybe if she had of looked at the cards first while we were looking at the balloons and then moved in to the balloon section when we were finished...