Legality of transfer of deceased relatives assets during lifetime


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Unmarried sibling, no family, died late last year and other siblings believed that he owned house in which he resided until his death.

I did some checking with Land Registry and found out that the house in which relative resided was never actually owned by him. To my complete amazement, the Executor (also a sibling) and all of his children were named as co-owners for the past 7 years. I discussed with other siblings who had no knowledge of this and were equally taken aback.

What appears to have happened is that when the deceased sibling became ill about 7 years ago, the home family farm (which deceased sibling worked all of his life) was sold and the proceeds were then used to buy the house in the name of the Executor and his family. Deceased sibling was allowed to live in it until his death. We are not sure how much knowledge (if any) late sibling had about this.

There is no movement on the will (almost 5 months down the road) and we have been told by executor-sibling that there is a will with some money (not sure how much is left) but we will not be shown the will. He is gone non-communicative, after this matter was discussed with him by me and other siblings.

It just feels so wrong, as Executor-sibling always referred to the house as deceased siblings property, consulting with me on whether the price of the house was ok (at purchase time), stating that he had to ask deceased siblings permission to do anything in the house, and ringing me to ask about repairs (after relatives death) and wondering what would deceased sibling have done, etc.

We feel completely hood-winked and misled and as the situation stands, the house will not form part of the will.

Have we any rights on this? All advice appreciated.