Legal Expenses ?




I was involved in litigation with a hearing that was listed in Feb '06. There was not a huge amount of money involved. I also was not very happy with the service that I recieved either.

Well to cut a long story short, I received the amount awarded in two lumps over a 9 month period, there was always some bloody excuse as to why they didnt hav a cheque for me. I had to pay for legal/medical reports for the listed hearing as this progessed. I have paid out €1,300 for these. The solicitor I was dealing with has since left. I wrote before christmas '06 requesting that my expenses be discharged by them at this late stage etc. I got a letter back stating that they would do there best to resolve this asap in the new year. That they themselves had not put in there bill for legal costs etc, that they wouldnt mind be paid either. I also spoke with a partner, who told me that he had only put in their bill and the 'other side' usually argue this forever, as this process is often very drawn out over time.

Now as I see this, if they havent put in a bill, thats there problem. But I am now waiting over a year now for my out of pocket expenses of €1,300. Is this unusual ? Personally I feel rhat I am being flanneled by them !!!

Sorry I said I would give the short story :)
In my experience the Law is a law onto itself. In theory there are things you could do but in reality you will just have to suck it up.