Legal action against a Spanish bank over rate charged


Registered User
Just wondering if anyone can help me work out whether it is worth my taking a case against a Spanish bank in relation to a floor clause in my mortgage contract. I always thought I was on a tracker ie eurobir plus 1 or 1.5% but because of a clause int he contract I am charged 5.1%. This clause has been deemed ilegal by the supreme court but some banks have taken the view that you have to take legal procedings against them before they do anything. My solicitor did send them a letter about it but they didn't respond. I have found a solicitor that does it on a no win no fee basis and trying to calcuate. So original mortgage taken out in 2008 for 97000 runs to 2033. How much will I save each month if I get them to take the clause out and go down to say 2.5%? How much have I overpaid?