laid off, cut backs or shoved out?



i have worked a 5 day week in same company for past 9 years, but now business isnt great and it looks like cuts are to be made. Thing is the only other employee in the business is a "family friend" of the boss who has worked there for last two years, he is currently under 18 so isnt classed at full time tax paying employee therefore his wages arent costing the business much.. so now im worried that its me thats going to be laid off as its me the boss is saying changes has to be made but has said nothing to "family friend".. even if boss cut me down from 5 days to 3 days, what are my rights? Can i claim for other 2 days and if so how much? My current take home pay is 480 per week, so how much will i get from welfare for 2 days?
If i was to be laid off, am i entitled to redundancy? Really need advice on this one as i know in next few days, push will come to shove and i need to know my rights etc...
As i mentioned previously, its me who's going to be asked to take the cut backs even tho i've been there 9 years. Thanks
If your emplopyment is cut from 5 days to 3 days per week, you will be entitled to one-fifth of the weekly rate of JB for 2 days. Say you work Mon-Sat and are being reduced to Mon-Weds working. SW will pay you for Thurs and Fri. Sun does not count as a workday for SW purposes and Sat was not part of of your normal working week so not payable on SW.

Another example: Single person's working pattern is reduced from 5 days a week (Mon - Fri) to 3 days a week (Mon - Wed) 2 days JB are payable @ 1/5 JB weekly rate of 204.30 in respect of each day.
Welfarite, I work half days Saturday, which is a part of my normal working week, if (thankfully hasn't come to it yet) my days were reduced to three a week, would I be able to claim for 3 days JB, as Saturday was part of my normal working week?
Welfarite, I work half days Saturday, which is a part of my normal working week, if (thankfully hasn't come to it yet) my days were reduced to three a week, would I be able to claim for 3 days JB, as Saturday was part of my normal working week?

I always thought the 'welfare' working week comprised of 6 days. Therefore, if you work 2 welfare pay 4, if you work 3 welfare pay 3. Has it changed?
I always thought the 'welfare' working week comprised of 6 days. Therefore, if you work 2 welfare pay 4, if you work 3 welfare pay 3. Has it changed?

No, different rules apply to short-time working (i.e set days every week)which is what OP is talking about. No to be confused with casual working (i.e no set work pattern)!
Welfarite, I work half days Saturday, which is a part of my normal working week, if (thankfully hasn't come to it yet) my days were reduced to three a week, would I be able to claim for 3 days JB, as Saturday was part of my normal working week?

How many days per week are you working? If 4.5, reduced to 3, then you will get paid for 2. The day of the week is not relevant unless its Sunday, which SW don't pay for.