"Key" for Triton T90i showerhead


Registered User
Does anyone know where I could get a replacement plastic key to remove the showerhead of my T90i? Have done a search here and looked through Triton's website but can't see anything... thanks in advance all.
I threw mine out by accident with the box the shower came in. I've tried a few shops to buy a replacement and got nowhere. Have you had any luck since?
Hello Lynnie and KathScan.
I lost my key for my Triton T90si a while back.
This was a pain, as I live in a hard water area, meaning regular cleaning of the shower head.
I ended up using a needle nose pliers opened out to its limit, in two of the keys holes.
[broken link removed]
It required a steady hand and a bit more force than using the key, there was also the possible slip/ouch factor
However, this worked quite well until I found the key again.
Are you trying to rid the shower head of lime?

Yes I'm trying to clean it. I have tried cleaning it with vinegar with some success but you have to leave it overnight and I'm not great at remembering to do these things. I figured it would be easier if I could remove the head.

I've also tried Cillit Bang but didn't find that any good.

I might try that website mentioned above.
Lidl do a W5 limescale remover which is pretty effective, but be careful as it's very corrosive.