"Keep the day job"


Registered User
I think the reaction to what i consider a harmless joke is more a reflection on the nurses rather than the Minister.
Thought it was quite an amusing aside myself.

However , the Minister arranged a private meeting with the nurse in question to apologise - perhaps he felt his comment was misjudged in view of the current Government/Public Sector impasse.
while I'm not a fan of his-- I thought having to apologise for that remark and the uproar over it was a bit silly
Hardly a hanging offence but the guy gets paid a large salary to rise above things like that. He just had to walk out. It wasn't like he was getting personal abuse so don't know why he was trying to be funny. He just came across as an idiot like he often does in the Dail when dealing with opposition politicians.
Hardly a hanging offence but the guy gets paid a large salary to rise above things like that. He just had to walk out. It wasn't like he was getting personal abuse so don't know why he was trying to be funny. He just came across as an idiot like he often does in the Dail when dealing with opposition politicians.

I agree that he should have risen above it but I also think its not fair game to invite someone to speak at your conference and then heckle them.
I think the minister should also stick to the day job and go back to being a doctor not minister for health!