Is it too late for VHI for parents


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I'd welcome some opinion on the below.

First let me say I now completely realise with hindsight how stupid I've been not to have done this years ago, but c'est la vie.

My parents have never had VHI or other health insurance. Thankfully we've been in fine health over the years, but a few recent illnesses in my extended family have frightened the life out of me with respect to the health system/waiting lists etc.

Both are nearing 70 and will qualify for medical card with existing/new thresholds, but I know this means they will still be treated as public patients. Mother is in perfect health (as far as we know) - Father has some minor ailments.

Is there any value in signing them up for VHI now? I know it will only cover accidents immediately; they will have to wait 2 years for brand-new conditions and 10 years for anything identified as pre-existing. However I wonder if it would give them any advantage when it comes to waiting lists for tests/procedures vs medical card.

My biggest concern and source of confusion is the waiting period between 2 and 10 years. If one of them needed a scan/test in first 2 years - I presume this wouldn't be covered. But if they needed this after 2 years (but before 10) how would VHI determine if the cause was pre-existing or not? Or would that be defined by the doctor after the results and then VHI might not accept the claim (and I would have to pay the private fee)?

I know I can't predict the future and I'm already disgusted with myself that I didn't take care of this years ago. On one hand I really hate the idea of paying ~4k for nothing for the first 2 years (assuming no accidents touch wood), but at the moment I can afford it and maybe it would give me 2 years cushion for later years if their health takes any bad turn.

I just don't have any experience of medical cards and what value they offer with respect to hospital cover so if anyone can give insight I would very much appreciate it.