Motor Insurance company don't have client contact details?


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Hi all. Some one bumped into the back of me on Sunday. My exhaust is dislocated slightly and some scratches at the back. I called the gards and they took down both drivers details and wrote me down her Name, Car Reg, and Insurance policy no. and the insurance company she is with. The guard ask me for my phone number but i don't know did he write down to the paper given the other driver. But before i leave i notice her phone number wasnt on the paper. So i asked the woman does she want to go through insurance( the guards are still there) , she said yes and I assume with her name and policy number everything should be ok.

That night of the accident i got some pain in my neck so i went to the doctors today. He said its just some muscle spasm and issued me inflammation XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
I called my insurance and they said if i want to claim off my own insurance i need to pay an excess. or if i want to claim off the woman that drove into me i should ring HER company which is AXA. ( i thought the insurance company do all this for you?)
So i rang AXA told her all her clients details and she asked the exact same questions as my insurance company (FBD) but she also asked me did i take down the guards name, and what is her clients contact detail. I said i don't know.

Finally she told me that she doesn't have any contact details for this client and that she is going to issue out a letter and wait for her to contact them, they cannot do anything before your one calls them! I asked her what if she doesn't contact you in a month or two?she basically told me if she doesn't ring them, they won't pay to get my car fixed.
My car is not badly damaged but i'm very ****ed that the insurance company claims they have NO WAYS of contacting their client( even if she was a named driver there's got to be a phone number on the policy!) except for sending letters!

I told AXA that the guards must have took down the womans number but she said the guards wouldn't give the number to them? She said I could try call the guards since i'm involved. Will the guards give me her phone number if i asked?? Because it wasn't on the paper the guard gave me.
If the guards don't what can i do?
Ultimately AXA will have to pay the claim - whether they can contact their client or not is their issue not yours. I would give them a reasonable amount of time to get their clients side of the story. In the mean time you should bring your vehicle to a repairer and get an estimate for repairs. You should also decide if you need to claim for a personal injury or loss of work etc. Once all this is known submit it to AXA for them to cover the claim. IF they refuse, follow their complaints procedure. But generally once their client has rear ended you their shouldn't be much resistance from them.
hi, thanks for the reply.
I called the guards today and the guard that was on the scene is off until Friday so i'll have to call again. AXA told me to go to this body shop today, the guy told me something at the back is not ok(i'm a girl so i have no glue what he's talking about) and i'd need a new bumper and the exhaust got kinda pushed inwards and down. He didnt tell me how much but said he'll send the details to AXA but until AXA say yes he can't do anything.

I'm having a problem with my neck and back. And my left arm feels week (like you hit the funny bone) . I made a pot of soup and couldn't lift it, doctor said if the feeling is still there after a week i may need physio , but he didn't issue me any documents for do i go about that? Thanks
Ultimately AXA will have to pay the claim - whether they can contact their client or not is their issue not yours. I would give them a reasonable amount of time to get their clients side of the story. In the mean time you should bring your vehicle to a repairer and get an estimate for repairs. You should also decide if you need to claim for a personal injury or loss of work etc. Once all this is known submit it to AXA for them to cover the claim. IF they refuse, follow their complaints procedure. But generally once their client has rear ended you their shouldn't be much resistance from them.

I would instruct a solicitor to issue proceedings against AXA.
Ultimately AXA will have to pay the claim - whether they can contact their client or not is their issue not yours. I would give them a reasonable amount of time to get their clients side of the story. In the mean time you should bring your vehicle to a repairer and get an estimate for repairs. You should also decide if you need to claim for a personal injury or loss of work etc. Once all this is known submit it to AXA for them to cover the claim. IF they refuse, follow their complaints procedure. But generally once their client has rear ended you their shouldn't be much resistance from them.

You are basing your answer on the assumption that the driver is in fact insured with AXA. A disk on the window is no guarantee that the disk is real, no guarantee the insurance premium (if paid by direct debit) was paid, no guarantee that the insurance is still active etc. in the current climate anything is possible. In the main it should be fine but you never know
As what time said...You need to see a solicitor and s/he will contact the driver of the other car and let them know that you intend to follow for damages. For the damages to your car, it would be the norm to claim under your own policy and then for your insurers to claim from the other party's insurance policy providing liablity is not an issue.
As what time said...You need to see a solicitor and s/he will contact the driver of the other car and let them know that you intend to follow for damages. For the damages to your car, it would be the norm to claim under your own policy and then for your insurers to claim from the other party's insurance policy providing liablity is not an issue.

And that they can in fact be located.
TIME : Why would you issue proceedings against AXA? What have they done wrong? If and it is only an if, the culpable driver is insured with AXA, then the correct procedure is to sue that driver. AXA are merely indemnifiers, if they are the insurer. Perhaps the driver is not insured with AXA?
woah so many replies.
to be honest i'm a little worried about this person. She's eastern european(so she could leave the country very easy) and the fact that she hasn't contact AXA is abit...and when the guards were there i heard one the guard telling her about bringing the A4 size policy...i hope her insurance policy is still valid. But IF she didn't pay her premium wouldnt AXA cut her off? and tell me that this person is not covered with them any more?

As i said the guards at scene should have took down her phone number and i should be able to get it off them on friday. But WHAT IF it was a fake phone number?
But what i don't get is that IF this person is still covered with AXA (which i assume so as the person on the phone said she only needs to talk to the client and make sure the whole thing happend) , why don't they just ring up the gardai station and ask DID this accident happen?

This is frustrating.
Axa have said they would contact her so it is possible they will come back to you. Insurance is generally not settled in a few days it can take weeks or months
sorry was too busy over christmas to update this.Hope everyone had a good christmas and new year!

I was going to call the gardai on Friday but I got a phone call from the body shop saying AXA has given them authorisation to repair my car and if i agree they'll order the parts in so i thought AXA must have contacted the lady and didn't call the gardai.

Now at that time my neck was still sore in the second week so my doctor issued me more XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. my arm seems better.

In january, the body shop told me that parts is here so i left my car in on the 7th. They said it needs a day to fix so ok.

On the 8th the body shop rang me said the back of it is fixed, but a truck was reversing or something and scratched the front of my car!! But the biggest problem is that AXA told them they DON"T have authority to fix my car!? AXA said there is still a liability issue and that the insured HAS NOT contact them!!

OMG!! what else can i say!??? Obviously its not the first day the body shop does business so they had all the datails of the "GO AHEAD" phone call from AXA. But AXA's attitude towards this whole thing is so..not right?