Injured bird in Garden

Look, for those who need enlightenment, this Eddie Izzard classic tells you all you need to know about cats.
Birds in the wild have to be tough to survive, those who get caught by cats are not tough enough, and some other predator/ circumstance would eventually get them anyhow. Best thing to do is to put it out of it's misery.

Putting a bell on a cat is a thoughtless thing to do. Its natural instinct is to hunt, a bell prevents it doing that, as well as depriving it of the ability to hide when it feels threatened. It would be like putting something on your shoe that would squeak every time you walked. Its all very well trying to save the birds, but the cat has as much right to it's lifestyle as the bird.

Cats are not 'cold'. They have fewer muscles in their faces than dogs, thats why they they seem cold. They can't adopt all the expressions a dog can. Cats express themselves with purring, whether with pleasure or pain.
Puts me in the mood to go shooting....Wheres my rifle, time to stand up to those furry gymnasts !
Birds in the wild have to be tough to survive, those who get caught by cats are not tough enough, and some other predator/ circumstance would eventually get them anyhow. Best thing to do is to put it out of it's misery.

Putting a bell on a cat is a thoughtless thing to do. Its natural instinct is to hunt, a bell prevents it doing that, as well as depriving it of the ability to hide when it feels threatened. It would be like putting something on your shoe that would squeak every time you walked. Its all very well trying to save the birds, but the cat has as much right to it's lifestyle as the bird.

Cats are not 'cold'. They have fewer muscles in their faces than dogs, thats why they they seem cold. They can't adopt all the expressions a dog can. Cats express themselves with purring, whether with pleasure or pain.
Cats are not native a animal and as such wreak havoc on the avian ecosystem. Putting a bell on a cat limits the damage they do. As they are not a native animal it is irresponsible not to put a bell on their collar. Suggesting otherwise would be like saying that dogs have a natural instinct to hunt so it’s OK to let them out at night to kill sheep.

Cats are solitary territorial animals whereas dogs are pack animals so they do not have the instinct to develop a connection to its owner beyond them being a source of food and shelter.
Putting a bell on a cat is wrong. It torments the animal. Anyone who would think of doing that lacks empathy. How can you be so concerned for one creature and so unfeeling for another. Same as putting a bird in a cage.

The habits of Cats versus Dogs have nothing to do with it. Just because an animal doesn't develop a connection to its owner or another human, is no reason to handicap it.

The Dog/Sheep argument is not valid here - Sheep are not animals in the wild.. They have no defence and no escape. Birds are swift and intelligent, equipped with wings and can flee the awful cat.
I think its a fair fight.

Donkeys, Rabbits and Potatoes are not native either, and each in their own way affect ecosystems. If the avian ecosystem is robust enough to adapt to urban life, I think it should be able to survive, despite those cats.
Putting a bell on a cat is wrong. It torments the animal. Anyone who would think of doing that lacks empathy. How can you be so concerned for one creature and so unfeeling for another. Same as putting a bird in a cage.
If you don't want to put a bell on your cat then keep it in your house/garden. It's nothing to do with empathy, it's to do with people letting their pets kill wild animals and thinking it's ok because they are their little kitties and sure that's just the way they are.