Imagine asking your bridesmaid to get a loan for your wedding...!


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Modern Morals: My best friend says she can’t afford to go to my foreign wedding next year. Is it insensitive to ask her to get a loan?

Imagine having so little insight into a) human relationships and b) financial affairs.

Excess and wasteful spending around weddings must be one of the top 5 financial mistakes people make. Saving up for the experience you both want is one thing, but the surprisingly common situation where people are getting into debt is woeful. Expecting your bridesmaid (a role which is a burden at the best of times) to put themselves under financial strain to carry your train down the aisle is particularly bizarre.

Has anyone here ever wished they had spent more on their wedding? Do you know anyone who has said that? On the other hand, I do know people who had to delay buying a house and having children because they blew 5 figures on the wedding.
Wow, if the Bride really wants here there then she should just pay for her and her partner to go.

If I ever got married again there'd be less than 40 people there. I'm 50 and my partner is in her mid 40's so we can wait for our parents to die in order to limit the numbers :D
My brother is far more financially street wise than I - If he senses a wedding coming he cuts whoever off at the pas saying "Don't invite me and you'll get a better wedding present . . ." and already he has:- Asked his family not to give presents of store reedit cards or vouchers. He is easy to satisfy inasmuch presents of cash will do.

For the record here, I applaud the potential bridesmaid owning up to not being able to afford to travel abroad for the wedding. Whoever you are girl, Well Done!