HSE - from sick leave into Annual Leave


Registered User
Looking for "settle a bet" type of advice on this one. My wife is a nurse and this week was unwell and could not go to work for one of the days she was rostered on. She was anxious that she absolutely had to make it in for the second day she was rostered on because, she believes there is a rule in the HSE that you cannot go directly from sick leave to Annual leave (she is booked on annual leave next week). Does anyone know if this is true? I poked around online to try and find an answer but got bogged down reading through various HSE HR manuals. She also contacted a union rep to enquire, and the union rep confirmed she also thought it was the case.

Thankfully she was ok and made it in for the second day (works 2 long days per week) so panic averted, but I find it a very strange rule and personally thought it might even be in contradictory to labour laws, but i cant seem to get clarity. Would anyone be the wiser?
It is my understanding and recollection that this is true. You cannot go from sick leave to annual leave. She could come back for a day and then go on holidays. If something is booked, like a foreign trip, a chat with her manager might sort out the problem.