How to get ahead in IT?


Registered User
Hello All,

I'm looking for some guidance on how to best position myself to leave behind my current corporate job and start anew in Software Development.

In a nutshell, I know what I need to be earning in the medium term (about €50k - €55k) and I am just starting into my 2nd semester in a H-Dip in Cloud Computing / Development.

Once the course finishes in May, I will be brushing up on other programming languages self-thought, online, through CodeSchool. And would be open to further training in the near future.

What I would like to know is from you is, what would an employer be looking for that would make myself an attractive prospect?

Some things I could pretty definately not do would be start on < €35K or do an internship.

Thank you for any insight you can provide.
Qualifications are the start, they will get you in the door. After that, and depending on the seniority of the role, relevant experience is what it's all about.

What makes a candidate attractive once they tick the qualifications and experience boxes is subject matter knowledge, ambition, and motivation. After that, communications and interpersonal skills will play their part.
Is there any volunteering work you can do for local organisations etc in your spare time, something that you can show that you don't just have academic knowledge but have applied it. Or free lance work for SME or a friend starting up their own business?
I don't mean to be sarcastic or critical but in your post you have a number of spelling errors. I am a grammar freak, but maybe your CV has same.
Uh, folks (last three posters), the original post is nearly two years old. I suspect things have moved on.