"How bad" - where did it come from?


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Am I the only one who has just noticed the increasing prevalence of the term "how bad" in response to what usually are positive events. It seems to have now reached epidemic proportions in that I'm now met with it several times daily at least and it's really starting to bug me. Has it always been around and was I blissfully unaware of it or has it just sprung on us. A search on google produced this :-

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( near end of page )
Nope, 'my bad' refers to a mistake the speaker makes. In this case it would be someone elses bad. How bad, eh ?

I have Cork friends who say it but I don't think it's popular in the rest of the country.
I heard an american girl say 'my bad' in 2005 for the first time. I guess you can say anything and get a meaning across as long as you inflect your voice a bit .
Like lots of our sayings, what's said and what's meant are the opposite.
How bad = thats great
I will, yeah = no f***ing way
Must be great fun for anyone learning English.
I heard an american girl say 'my bad' in 2005 for the first time. I guess you can say anything and get a meaning across as long as you inflect your voice a bit .
The one that gets me is the use of the word “awesome” to describe the most mundane event or experience. For example “That burger was awesome”, or “Wow, you can touch your nose with your tongue; that’s awesome”. It’s an American expression and I detest it.
The one that gets me is the use of the word “awesome” to describe the most mundane event or experience. For example “That burger was awesome”, or “Wow, you can touch your nose with your tongue; that’s awesome”. It’s an American expression and I detest it.

One of the best known imports from America which also gets on my nerves and is used by my younger sister and her teenage friends is "WHATEVER"

For example as in:

yeah like whatever Purple . what - ever ! ;)
One of the best known imports from America which also gets on my nerves and is used by my younger sister and her teenage friends is "WHATEVER"

For example as in:

yeah like whatever Purple . what - ever ! ;)
That's like - ohmygod - so uncool sign. (note the absence of structure and the resulting lack of clarity). It's like so bad…
Anyway totally Awesome post!
Am I the only one who has just noticed the increasing prevalence of the term "how bad" in response to what usually are positive events

Coming from Cork myself, its a pretty common phrase down there although "savage" is now one of the most popular ones i hear down there now
Coming from Cork myself, its a pretty common phrase down there although "savage" is now one of the most popular ones i hear down there now

What about 'legend' ? Is that Corkonian in origin too?
There's something vaguely irritating about that one too.
[broken link removed], like, I totally prefer 'dacent!' and 'majestic!' to 'legend!'. Like, how sad is that?