Hotel deals website ?


Registered User
Does anyone know of a site that provides details of Irish hotels offering deals, weekend specials, etc ?

My wife and I have a rare opportunity at the end of the month to treat ourselves to a night or two away. In the (distant) past, we'd organise something like that by trying the sites of individual hotels. Is there somewhere that aggregates them ?
Be wary of the Groupon site, while it has good deals if you're not very careful you end on their email list and tattoos are easier to get rid of than unsubscribing from that. collates the deals from the various deal websites, and can be filtered to show accommodation offers only.

Easier than going through the various deal sites individually.
I would suggest you decide on your chosen location and then do a bit of checking. We have found that most grade 4 hotels offer great value
I always check the offers but I will always ring the hotel in question too. I have no shame in saying that I can get it cheaper on such and such website. More often than not I've been out on hold and then they come back with either a similar or better deal. IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU WON'T GET.
I agree with "Tired Paul". ring the hotel and check the price. I find a lot of the deal sites have limited availability for weekends.
I always check the offers but I will always ring the hotel in question too. I have no shame in saying that I can get it cheaper on such and such website. More often than not I've been out on hold and then they come back with either a similar or better deal. IF YOU DON'T ASK, YOU WON'T GET.

+1 just found this out with a restaurant deal, while I didnt get the exact same deal in monetary value terms, I worked out better as I could bring a bunch of people on any date that suits me. Couldnt believe it. They wanted to cut out the middleman!