Home Home Insurance - near a river



We're nearing the end of our build, and I've been shopping around for home insurance - when I came accross this little doozy from one supplier -

If a house is > 100m from a river/lake/coast/etc then it is ok
If a house is between 50m and 100m, then the house must be at least 5m above the water level.

Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I told the insurance company we have a stream on the land we are building on - and we're approx 60m from this, and 3.5m higher than it.

This stream has never flooded, not even last Novemebr, when every river in the country was tested! Yet it looks like I won't be quoted for.

I then got another quote from a different insurer, which is even lower, and there were no constraints about house being x above and y away from water, so happy days - BUT......

The only question was - is the area a known for flooding / prone to flooding.

Now, My paranoid mind went into overdrive -
To my knowledge it has never flooded. However, imagine the house burned to the ground, or something like that; and when it came to claim, the insurance company tried to get out of it by looking up records, and finding that in 1923 (or something) that it had in fact flooded there, and move to invalidate the insurance.

Can they do that? i.e. invalidate the policy for an unrelated item than a potential claim? Again I'm not worried about the river actually ever doing damage, it's just I want to make sure I am insured!