HMV rip-offs ?



Some one sent me this on an e-mail this morning.

I've had problems with HMV in the past and definitely won't be using them again after this:


Wednesday, 13 August 2003

Mr. John Taylor
Marketing Manager
Film House
142 Wardour Street
London W1F 8LN

Dear Mr. Taylor,

I have been a regular customer of HMV in Ireland since I moved to Dublin in 1999. I am an avid collector of films on both video and DVD and probably spend on average €80 per month toward my collection. My partner is a very aggressive collector of music, spending around €200 per month on music. I would estimate that we give 80% of our music and movie-buying business to HMV.

I am writing to you today to let you know that we will no longer be giving our custom to HMV. This past weekend we were shopping on Grafton Street in Dublin. We were drawn into the HMV shop by the large signs posted in your window advertising a buy one, get one free promotion you are currently running on DVDs. I had intended to purchase a film that day to add to my collection and was enticed by the offer.

When we started looking at the films that were part of your promotion we were shocked to see the prices they were being sold for – ranging from €29.99 to €44.99. Since I am a regular buyer of DVDs I have a good idea of what the going prices are for DVDs and was instantly aware of the blatant underhandedness of your so-called promotion. It was obvious that the prices had been inflated to compensate for the “free” DVD. Your promotion was only intended to sell your customer a second DVD that they may or may not have wanted under the guise that they would be saving money by getting a “free” DVD.

I have attached a copy of a spreadsheet comparing the prices of eight of your promotional titles with that of five of your competitors and the HMV on-line shop. I found these prices myself on the Internet and by ringing my local shops for quotes. They are all the exact same films, special editions etc., and I obtained the prices all on the same day. The Internet comparisons even include the costs for shipping and handling.

As you can see from my brief research your promotion is no promotion at all and in some cases two titles could be purchased from your competitors at their full price and still be cheaper than one of your titles at your inflated “promotional” prices. I am not a business minded person and I don’t know much about marketing but your attempt at fooling your customers is not very well disguised.

My partner and I have taken such offence to your insult to our intelligence and your attempt at greedily trying to trick us out of our hard-earned money that we will no longer give HMV our business. He and I work for companies with several 20-somethings on staff who are avid consumers of movies, music and games. We have brought this discovery to their attention and have shared the research with them. A few have already passed on the information to their friends as well.

Perhaps HMV is not aware of the current global economic climate. Maybe HMV thinks that consumers are making money hand over fist and spending it just as frivolously. It is conceivable that HMV is not aware that our Tanaiste Mary Harney is impressing upon us how important it is to compare prices and shop around due to companies like yours who are more interested in ripping us off with underhanded marketing ploys than giving us a fair price and good value.

People in Ireland are very aware of fair and unfair prices, Mr. Taylor. Every week there are stories of businesses closing down and hundreds of people losing their jobs. The cost of living in Ireland is one of the highest in the European Union. We are aware more than ever of how much things cost and where we want our money to go.

Is it because you are an entertainment-oriented company that you feel your customers will tolerate overpriced products and marketing manipulation? Is HMV aware of the growing popularity of Internet based companies who are happy to give customers fair pricing, value and service? Maybe HMV should spend less time thinking up ways to trick customers into spending more and figure out a more respectable and respectful way of gaining and keeping customers.

I am one customer that your little trick did not work on, Mr. Taylor. Not only did you not sell me that extra DVD that I had no intention of buying but you didn’t sell me the DVD that I had intended to buy AND you have lost my partner’s and my business and respect indefinitely. The people I work with, all of my friends and anyone any of them pass this information to will think twice before giving HMV their business as well. I call it my “piss one cautious customer off, lose ten customers free” promotion!


Kelley Miller
Dublin, Ireland

Cc: Simon Douglas, HMV Operations Manager; Breffni O’Malley, The Irish Times; Bill Tyson, Irish Independent; Tanaiste, Mary Harney

Good letter, but I don't bother going into record shops even for a browse.

You might get the odd bargain but CDWOW HK will invaribly sell most products at a discount to high street stores.

Good Letter - I will certainly use HMV in only extreme circumstances going forward! One point I would like to draw to others' attention - I used cdwow recently and received a copy control version of a recently released CD which would not play on my car cd-player. I contacted cdwow about this and they said that there were aware of the problem but couldn't warn users as the record company in question forbade it (obviously detrimental to it's sales!)

Well if you only wanted to play the CD on your car CD player, the disk is useless to you. If people started sending them back, the record company might change it's tune.
Re: .

AFAIK, the copy protection issue is not related to the fact that it came from CD-WOW - It is very likely that the same CD purchased on the high street will have the came copy-protection/car CD player issue.
Re: .

Jaysus, ClubMan, that oul' jetlag definitely agrees with you...!


I'm not sure if the CD supplied on CDWOW is exactly the same as the version sold in the shops. The guy from CDWOW said that these copy control CDs may not be playable in certain car stereos, PCs and older hi fi systems.....surely this wouldn't happen if I decided to pay through the nose in HMV for the same cd;-). I think it may be an attempt by the records to guard against piraters on the web!


League of Ireland is where it's at....

surely this wouldn't happen if I decided to pay through the nose in HMV for the same cd;-). I think it may be an attempt by the records to guard against piraters on the web!

I really don't think it's anything to do with 'pirates on the web' - it's to do with 'pirates' in general. I saw some UK TV consumer show with similar complaints from people who had purchased CD's in the shops & had similar problems.

I doubt if the record companies are manufacturing two versions of the CD - one for sale online & one for sale in the shops.

League of Ireland is where it's at....

Fair play. Maybe next season I'll be watching Bohs play Harps again - hopefully because you get promotion rather than the unthinkable! :eek

No prob

I have bought over 1000 Euro worth of CDs and DVDs from CDWOW, I am a film and music fanatic (my wife thiks i'm insane ), I never once have had a problem with them, recently I was in the UK, HMV wanted 24.99 sterling for 'Fight Club' , I got the exact same one for 15Eur on cdwow... saving me 17 Euro, enough to buy another DVD !

I agree. A friend of mine is more of a lunatic than a fanatic. She's compiled a collection of c80 DVDs and 150 CDs almost all from CDWOW.

Sometimes the cases are broken, but CDWOW will replace the case upon request.

Delivery is always prompt and efficient.

surely this wouldn't happen if I decided to pay through the nose in HMV for the same cd;-). I think it may be an attempt by the records to guard against piraters on the web!

The CD's you buy in the Stores are identical to the ones you buy online. Not all new CDs are copy protected but more and more are. If you want some examples, Natalie Imbruglia's is, and I think Shakira's is. Whether you buy in store or not.

CDWow will accept the CD back no questions asked if you are unhappy with buying a copy protected CD.

In stores the CD itself must contain a warning that it is copy proctected, but a loophole means online vendors don't have to. My understanding (open to correction) is that CDWow want to carry the warning but the publishers won't allow them. I don't know if this is true.

The protection is intended to stop people copying the CD's using PCs. But due to the way Car Players work (copying chunks of the song into memory, to avoid the skips of playing straight from the disk - cars bounce around alot, car players fall foul of the protection too).

Incidently the protection doesn't work in many cases.
You may find that although you can't play the CD, you can in fact turn it into MP3s and then burn a new CD, which will play just fine in your car or anywhere else.

This by the way is legal if you own the original CD, so it appears this copy protection will do little more than educate more and more people on how to create MP3s.


Incidently Rod Stewart has said he doesn't mind people copying and downloading his songs. His record company disagrees.


a guy I work with just bought Nickelbacks album for his daughter (at least that's who he claims its for !!!!!!)

In HMV Henry St, it was priced at 23.99
In Virgin Henry St, it was priced at 9.99

He even went into the stores twice to double check they were the same album etc. That's soem price difference

Clubman - the real drama in the League of ireland will take place tonight in Tolka. The might of Sligo Rovers face shelbourne in the cup replay - pray for us .... :b

That is a shocking price difference! I hope he's writing a letter too!! I have often noticed a difference of one or two euros among the various vendors along Grafton Street but 14 euros is enough to make you really shop around!

I have emailed the customer service website at HMV to ask them to contribute to this discussion. I would be interested to hear their comments.

Hi Folks - Price differences are a good thing, not a bad thing. Be prepared to shop around to find the best price.

The alternative to having no price differences is price harmonisation, where all prices are the same - Inevitably, the 'same' prices tend to converge at the upper end of the spectrum.

Be careful what you wish for.

Yes I accept the principle of competition, too, Rainyday. I would love to have time to shop around for everything and get the best deals, but that is just not practical. I am willing to sometimes pay over the odds if the retailer provides a special service or offers good value in general because it's more time-efficient for me.

That is why the reputation of a retailer is important to me. Any company with any sense should see that the reputation of their company or brand is one of their most valuable assets. Companies who engage in practices like those described damage their brand, IMHO. This has a knock-on effect on their long-term repeat business.


Well the letter hasn't taken effect yet. The prices were still on the silly side of stupid at the weekend.

Average price of DVD's in HMV Henry St, €30++++
a couple of doors down the road at Virgin average price €15.

HMV had a buy one get one free, so average price $15+++++
Virgin had a 3 for €30 offer.

Tower Records in Easons seemed to be on the high side as well. "A Hard Days Night" was €35, bought it for €14.50 in Golden Disks in Liffey Valley.

Huge differences.
