Historical Electricity Usage & Billing Information


Registered User
I have a data-set with 60-ish entries dating from 29th Feb 2012 to today.

It consists of the Electric Ireland bills by date of issue, units used, burdened cost per Kw/Hr (includes VAT, standing charges, levies, standing charge rebates), net of EI consumer discounts for online billing and direct payment, SW discounts, etc and calculates the cost of electricity by day & week, the value of SW discounts in money & percentage terms, etc.

I'm working on graphing the highlights at the mo and will post charts when they are complete. Does anyone want the spreadsheet on which to input their own data?

Highlights so far: Average bill €182.71, Average units Used/Bill 771, Average SW discount 40.27% over 10.50 years.
I noted recently that I can only compare 2 years on electric Ireland. I was a bit surprised as I wanted to check year on year for a few years. It would be interesting to see a few different consumer cases, along with some of the average real increases.