Help re hot water

Annah Knight

Registered User
I have a gas boiler which us working to heat radiator but has stopped heating water. The immersion works to heat water so I'm very confused as to whey the boiler has stopped heating the water recently. Any advice welcome. Annah
There is often a valve that controls whether the boiler will also heat the water tank. Is there an obvious valve near the tank on the feed from the boiler (see image here if you don't know where they are on the tank - the 'water from boiler' connections as they have labeled them).

If it's not a shut valve, it may be an air lock in that boiler circuit.
If you have a separate circuit/control to heat the hot water, then it is most likely controlled by a motorized valve. The control sends a signal to the valve to open (and turn on the boiler). These do fail and can be replaced.
Is there something like this visable in the hot press?

To be honest, we need a bit more information to make a more educated guess.

1. Is your heating zoned, i.e. is there a separate button on your heating control for hot water?
2. What happens, if 1 above is true, does the button light/ display say that the water is heating?