Has it really come to this...?



If so, then I suggest the terrorists are effectively winning. Global disruption and fear, economic instability, potential ousting of the US president in the election...

Or is ol' Dubya going to unveil the capture of Osama just before the election, and bring about a drop in oil prices just before the polls, to sweep to victory?


Press Association
Thursday June 3, 2004

A Special Branch officer questioned a punk rock musician as a terror suspect after he sent a text message containing lyrics from a Clash song to the wrong person, it was reported today.
Band member Mike Devine, from Bristol, said he had been approached by the officer and shown a copy of a text he had sent in April, which contained the words "gun" and "jet airliner".
The 35-year-old, who plays bass in a Clash tribute group called London Calling, had intended to text the lyrics - from the Clash song Tommy Gun - to singer Reg Shaw. Instead, he sent the message to the wrong number.
Avon and Somerset police said a Special Branch officer had visited Mr Devine after the person who received the message, sent on April 30, became concerned about its content and contacted police.
Mr Devine said he had been worried when an officer from the Special Branch confronted him at his office, and added: "I had no idea why they could want to talk to me."
The father of two said the officer had then produced a printout of the text message, which read: "How about this for Tommy Gun? OK - so let's agree about the price and make it one jet airliner for 10 prisoners."
He said he had then been asked to explain what the message meant, and described how the detective had looked "puzzled" when told the words were by the Clash. The officer seemed "a little embarrassed" when he left, Mr Devine added.
A spokeswoman for Avon and Somerset police said the force had been contacted by officers from Norfolk after Mr Devine's text message was traced to a Bristol address. She added that Mr Devine had not been arrested or cautioned.
So you'd prefer if texts like this weren't followed up on or are all police recruits expected to have an encyclopdic knowledge of song lyrics.
Personally I'd rather have the police slightly embarassed over this headline than one along the lines of "Police fools fail to foil fanatics despite terror txt tip-off".
the state we're in

icantbelieveit -

No one is expecting the police to have all the answers, but there must surely be a better way than this.

Keeping people in a state of perpetual fear damages society.

If this is the standard reaction to 'suspect' texts, is it too much to ask for checking with the intelligence [sic] services prior to hauling people in, hooding them, leashing them, and worse....

This is the natural extension of the blanket 'everyone is a suspect' approach.

If we as a whole give tacit acceptance to this policy in the name of a 'war on terror', we are on a short road to a totalitarian state with limitless power, and a cowering, quivering populace, pathetically - and paradoxically grateful - for the 'protection'.

Couldn't this whole 'war on terror' be solely to gain control and information over its citizens that most fascist dictatorships could only dream of?

Would you be happy handing over your fingerprints, home address, credit card details and travel plans to the Gardaí if they said it was a condition for moving around the country? Is this any different to the US approach?

Freedom-loving? Please...


have to go...I can see an unmarked navy Toyota with no hubcaps pulling into the drive...
Re: ...

The response of the US administration to 9/11 has been like a wet dream to those who depise western Freedom.

* A man arrested in a shopping Mall for wearing a "Give Peace
A Chance" T-Shirt.

* Protesters being told that they can only raise their banners
in "Designated Free Speach Areas".

* Public ridicule by both the media and senior politicians of
soverign Nations like France who *Get This* think that a
preemptive invasion on shoddy intelligence isn't a good idea.

* EU bends over a greases up when US asks for information
about EU citizens without offering *ANY* Data Protection
Rights, much less matching the rights we enjoy in Europe.

* Censorship of the US Press (quite willing to comply) to
conceal the true stories from Iraq.

* Astonishing spending on defense etc while US schools go
without such essentials as Teachers.

Yep, those who hate Western Freedom must be praying that there's no Regime change in Washington this November.


I am very surprised a Moderator of this board would write about such selective, loaded and biased reflections of American society. Still, that is his or her choice, and I believe strongly in free choice. It was one of the thing missing in Iraq but which the Americans are now restoring to some degree.

The yanks are saving our friggin skins yet again......how many of you smoked salmon socialists would be happy if your new suv was parked up in a 5 mile tail back outside an empy petrol station, listening to stories of economic and political turmoil on the radio..............
re: yanks

Same day different user name eh Jimmy? How many aliases are you gonna use this time round?
Re: re: yanks

how many of you smoked salmon socialists would be happy if your new suv was parked up in a 5 mile tail back outside an empy petrol station,

I don't like smoked salmon and I don't drive an SUV. I get over 60mpg thanks very much. How does your car do?

As for the surprised poster who worries about my selective views of America. All of those stories were relayed to me by Americans. I'm just passing them on to you. Don't shoot the messenger.

But yes I am biased. I love America, love Americans, and hate what this Administration is doing to them.

hypocrites all

your leader pontificates about private schools and then quietly sends his own children to one

and what about stories from Americans who support their Government? There are bound to be some positive stories....it is democratic.