Grant for external insulation

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mg zr dad

Registered User
We will shortly be undertaking an extension and remodel project of which we will externally insulate our existing home.

It has come to our attention that the grant is not being paid out in situations where the entire house (100% of the existing house external walls) is not externally insulated because of the portion where the new extension will be attached to the house results in an opening/internal wall.

The Seai have refered me to the building regulations and put he onus on the insulator to determine elegbility (who's interest is to do the work, get paid and have no further interest as to whether I get the grant or not).

The obvious solution is to get the insulation done first before the extension but we will be changing window and door openings as part of the remodel. Also there is a higher chance of damage too the new exterior walls while building works are in progress and we would rather wait to do the works last.
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