GoMo Sim Not Working In Unlocked Phone


Registered User
I'm a big fan of Sony mobile phones and currently have two on the go at the moment
My main phone is the XZ1 which has a GoMo sim in it
I bought a Xperia 1 late last year and this has the an Eir sim in it
Both work as should but when I swap over the sims
The GoMo sim wont work in the Xperia 1

My understanding is that both sims are on the same network and the phone is unlocked so there shouldn't be a problem
Anybody got any idea why the GoMo sim isn't working in the Xperia 1 ???

And before anybody asks I'm not a drug dealer, I'm just a guy who likes to have a back up for when things go wrong
and the second Eir sim is an old number that I cancelled with Eir but is still live nearly 4 years later with no bills
I don't know the answer 100% so hopefully somebody who does will chip in.

Just in-case they don't though, while the two networks share the same cell towers, Eir actually operate two separate networks with different MCC/MNC identifiers (which is one way used to lock phones to networks). I understand GoMo is 272/03 (formerly Meteor) and it looks like Eir Mobile is 272/07. The Xperia may be locked to the network Eir Mobile 272/07 identifier. I'd contact Eir and see if they'll unlock the Xperia.
Thanks Zenith63
Quick update: just tried Mrs Cervelo's GoMo sim in the phone and it works
So presume the problem is with my GoMo sim!!
That's a good one alright.
I'm assuming your GoMo sim is working fine in your XZ1 ?

Make sure all contacts are clean, no harm giving the Sim a gentle clean and blow out the phone.
What message, if any do you get when you try your GoMo in the Xperia 1?
Is it even 'seeing' the Sim?
Thanks SparkRite

The phone sees the sim and recognizes that it's GoMo but just wont connect to the IRL-Meteor network
Only messages are "No Service- Emergancey calls only" up on the top banner
and now a phone services message "No Service, Selected network (27203) unavailable"

I'll play around with it a bit more when I get back home
The phone sees the sim and recognizes that it's GoMo but just wont connect to the IRL-Meteor network
Can you check the APN set up on the phone after entering the SIM, under settings --> network & internet --> Mobile Network --> Access Point Names (APN).
They might not be updated for the other SIM. I would have to do such in the past, when swapping sims. I was moving from 48 to GoMo at the time, and the phone wasn't "locked"., but needed to update the APN for it to connect to the network.
Just in-case they don't though, while the two networks share the same cell towers, Eir actually operate two separate networks with different MCC/MNC identifiers (which is one way used to lock phones to networks). I understand GoMo is 272/03 (formerly Meteor) and it looks like Eir Mobile is 272/07.
Does 3Mobile also operate separate networks ?

I had terrible problems with ‘’no network available’’ on 48 who use the 3 network, others at home, work etc on 3 would have full signal and I would have none. APN settings were correct, got a replacement sim in case it was faulty, still the same. Web chat could offer no explanation. Had to go back to Vodafone via anPost this time and no issues since.

Does Vodafone, Eir, or 3 give an inferior network / signal to budget providers like 48, GoMo etc ?
Yeah, I thought of that as well, but didn't advise as :-
Funny that... I had same issue - my wife moved networks at same time (48 weren't great in this area) and her sim was ok, mine wasn't... My APNs kept disappearing, as in, I write them out, then save, exit out, back into APN and they were "gone".
Funny that... I had same issue - my wife moved networks at same time (48 weren't great in this area) and her sim was ok, mine wasn't... My APNs kept disappearing, as in, I write them out, then save, exit out, back into APN and they were "gone".
Ah sure these things are sent to test us. :)

I don't think the OP is even getting as far as requiring an APN.
Remember an APN is only required (via GSM) to set up a connection to the gateway between the carrier's network and the internet.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you guys but it was too nice an afternoon not to go for a spin in them Dublin mountains

Can you check the APN set up on the phone after entering the SIM,

Yeah, just did that and "APN settings are not available for this user"
so press the three dots up the top and its all empty except for MCC and MNC which have values 272 and 03
Tried putting meteorIE in the name slot and data.myeirmobile.ie in the APN slot then press save
but nothing happens and when I go back in there's nothing in name or APN

Tried the GoMo sim in another Sony phone Z1 and it works fine
Can only think that there is some issue with the Xperia 1 and might need a complete reset
Just finished a factory reset on the Xperia 1, popped the GoMo sim in and bingo all seems to be working fine
Not sure what the issue was with my sim when all other sims were working??

Anyhow many thanks to you all for the help
