"Gold City" Turkish property



I recently visited a new luxurious 5 star villa and hotel which the developers are in the process of building near Alanya in Turkey. Has anyone heard/invested/ or visited this development. All views on investing in Turkey is welcome- particularly if you have made a profit on an investment.
Re: "Gold City" Turkisk property

This seems like a good investment for the developers point of view.
A guy I know called Dave is going to buy one and I will talk to him and let you know his views.
Re: "Gold City" Turkisk property

probably too late replying to this, but I know the gold city your on about. I have an appartment within view of it. Put it this way, my uncle's came to me knowing that i had a property there, to ask if i knew of this development. We went out to visit and seeing my appartment and what can be got by actually going out there they didn't go for Gold city. They thought it too dear and too far from he town centre. Its a fews kms from the beach and the town of mahmutlar, which is 13kms from Alanya itself, if u want any more let me know'
