Motor Getting a second car insured


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We are getting a second car as I am changing jobs and losing the company van. Our main car is insured in my name but my wife would have driven it quite a bit. She had a single vehicle accident a couple of months ago which has been settled. I have my NCD protected(whatever that means), so my policy should not rise too much.
The policy for the second car will be in my wife's name with me as a named driver. The quotes I am getting are crazy for what had been a relatively small claim. On insurance websites, they ask how many years claims free are you. If I answer "0", am I misleading them??
They do not specifically ask if there has been a claim!!
You must disclose claims. Insurance is based on utmost good faith, non-disclosure will invalidate the cover. If you both drive both cars, use the protected ncd on the one more expensive to insure. There are some companies that offer 2nd car discounts, Allianz and Axa used to do it. Given the claim you might need to ring for a quote.
Has your wife had insurance in her own name previously or just as a named driver on your policy?full or provisional licence ? Sounds like she is being quoted for first time insurance, you would be misleading them and insurance could be voided if you give wrong information as the proposal forms still have to be signed based on the information you give. You pay a premium on renewal to protect your ncb.
The policy for the second car will be in my wife's name with me as a named driver. The quotes I am getting are crazy for what had been a relatively small claim.

I suspect the reason for the quotes being high is because this is probably your wife's first policy where she is the policy holder and has zero No Claims Discount. Even if she had not had an accident and had to claim, she would still have zero No Claims Discount as you can not earn Discount years as a Named Driver.

On insurance websites, they ask how many years claims free are you. If I answer "0", am I misleading them?? They do not specifically ask if there has been a claim!!

If you answer "0", you are stating that your wife has zero No Claims Discount which in this case is correct.