Health Insurance Getting a prescription or medical treatment online

Brendan Burgess

A friend of mine got a prescription for €20 through these guys

Not sure why it was necessary. Some complication with moving doctor.

I have also heard of videodoc

Are there other online medical services which people should know about?

What are the risks involved if any?

It seems like the linked site is really for people who have already been diagnosed with condition X and prescription Y as treatment, and want to renew.
e.g. I've been diagnosed as an asthmatic and the prescription on my inhaler has expired.
It would not be suitable for situations where you require diagnosis or advice on what treatment, or urgent cases.
No use if you're laid up with chest infection and looking for antibiotics.

I think some GPs offer prescription renewal service without consultation for 10 - 15 euros, but you still need a consult every 6-12 months.
It seems like the linked site is really for people who have already been diagnosed with condition X and prescription Y as treatment, and want to renew.


I mentioned videdoc because it is in the same general space of internet medicine.

I'm on a mild dose of Blood Pressure medication which I have to get a prescription for, also Zoton for the tummy, etc. I'm never re-tested when a renewal comes up and have been paying €25 for quite a while for a renewed prescription. Hurray, I can get my medication in Spain, Lanzarotte, Cyprus with no problem at all. I know they're all supposed to demand to see the prescription, etc, but i've had no problem getting my meds, also get friends to get them for me. Not only am I saving the €25 mad fee, i'm also getting the meds at less than half price and the same meds I might add.
Lloyds Doctors seem to provide a limited range of prescription based services online.

I see there's a VHI logo on their website advising that first consultation for VHI members is free, so hopefully VHI are happy with them.