Flymo HoverCompact 330 replacement motor


Registered User
Any recommendations on where to source a replacement electric motor for the above for DIY replacement - online or locally (Dublin)? Thanks.
Somhow I would say you are out of luck. The FLymo web page has spares but no sign of any motors.
[broken link removed]
Their support centres in the UK include some HSS shops but I am not sure whether the ones here do anything like that..

I would say that since the motor is the main part that it would cost too much to replace it.

ANy chance of getting it repaired?? Electrical rewind places might help in this although I am guessing on this...
Yeah - it might not be worth repairing (by replacement or rewind) but I just wanted to check. Looks like the motor burnt out possibly after grass got into it or when the blades hit a kerb. Might be junk at this stage... :(
The problem with these mowers is that a lot of the parts are plastic so even if you get an old motor replaced then something else might go. I had one and the safety switch broke , another part for which replacements are not available
Anyway most growth has stopped so relax for a couple of months although it would be interesting to see if it could be rewound..
Our grass is still growing and needs a cut every few weeks. I was happy with the manual rotary push mower but the missus got the other yoke 2nd hand from her brother. It was perfect when we got it but I think that one of the events mentioned earlier caused the motor to get damaged and when it's switched on now it looks like the coil is gradually burning off the motor. Not to worry if it can't be repaired. I was just curious if the part might be available and how much it might cost.