Fix or tracker?



what am I to do?
Just got a posting from IIB wondering if I want to fix or whatever for the next 5 years.
fix jan 2008 4.79 (4.81 apr)
jan 2009 4.79 (4.82)
jan 2010 4.79 (4.83)
jan2012 4.89 (4.90)
This is our first mortgage and we have been interest-only for the 1st year ,and yes we know we are going to drop the trousers come 1st feb and take whats coming to us!
but really what should we do?
any kind soul out there?
thanks in advance
There are lots of existing threads on the general fixed versus variable question that might be worth reading. In my opinion only fix if you really need to for cashflow reasons and not in an attempt to time the market and attempt to save money over a competitive tracker/variable rate.