Firebird Sydney Solar tubes vs Kingspan Thermomax

IAM is not just relevant to Sydney tubes but all tubes, therefore when comparing the various tubes on the market, this comparison graph will give a realistic performance chart.

If you wish to compare flat plate with tubes, allowing for IAM, then you could alter the radiance factor by varying percentages, such as 2pm having tubes at 900w/sqm and flat plate at say 830w/sqm.
Hi Shane, That would involve multiplying zero loss efficiency by IAM for each system across a range of angles to get an average. The chart on page 2 of the document shows the IAM for a normal flatplate (or a tube with a flatplate inside it) and the IAM for a typical 58mm Sydney tube;

The maths is still more complicated than that because the effect is less significant when the sun is lower in the sky (both panels have lower yields). So the ONLY way to do this is with a proper computer simulation software such as T-Sol which takes IAM into account.
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