Fewer Nativity Christmas Cards

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Nearly every year I'd have my Christmas Cards posted on 8th December. I was out of the country for all of November and early December so this year I knew I'd be a little bit later with the cards. Earlier today I visited Easons to purchase my Christmas Cards. Always I'd choose cards that supported particular charities. Also, I would choose only cards with a Nativity scene. I wouldn't be too taken in by the greeting inside the cards as I usually write my own greetings and make them relevant to the receiver.

Easons has a large stock of "charity" Christmas Cards. But, this year for whatever reason none of them has "Nativity" pictures. There are robins, fir trees, bridges, children throwing snowballs, people skating, snowmen, frozen cottages near frozen lakes, fences with snow dripping from them, rosy cheeked Santas and those goddawful elves and a plethora of other scenes. No Infant, No Virgin Mary, No St-Joseph, No shepherds, No Wise Men - not even a stable, cow or donkey.

Has the ludicrous Moan-About-Everything-Brigade finally had its way regarding Christmas?
Did someone say... DONKEY!

Ok, those are not the donkeys you are looking for, but couldn't resist...

I had trouble finding simple card of a robin with snow & holly, seemed to be associated with postboxes in the cards I found.
Nolans D3 had some in the end. Pretty sure they had a lot of nativity cards.


Donkeys are for life, not for christmas, except this one.
This subject was moaned about or discussed only last week on the radio with some people having bought boxes of cards only to be disappointed with the lack of nativity scenes on them . There was a few cards which had ' naughty or nice ' , now you would have to be careful who you posted that one to.
There could be a few candidates on AAM money
Market forces drive many of these decisions, they'll supply whatever they think will sell best and charities will only produce a very limited range to keep costs down. It's more likely a reflection on the secularisation of society and the Christmas period than the producers fearing offending any snowflakes.
Market forces drive many of these decisions, they'll supply whatever they think will sell best and charities will only produce a very limited range to keep costs down. It's more likely a reflection on the secularisation of society and the Christmas period than the producers fearing offending any snowflakes.
Market forces or secular Govt/Media/NGO's pushing agendas?
Market forces or secular Govt/Media/NGO's pushing agendas?
Are you suggesting that the Irish charities somehow knew well in advance that an internal EU committee were looking at guidance on the language to be used in EU publications, and somehow took a leap from there with no evidence whatsoever to suspect that it might end up being extended into some kind of ban on the broader use of Christmas terminology or imagery that would be rolled out into law so quickly that it would have to bypass the normal process?
Wow, we have gone from pictures of Donkeys to EU legislation and secular agendas.........
I think Leper should just be grateful that the cards didn't feature a female baby infant born to two homosexual men with three non-binary wise people present......
I think Leper should just be grateful that the cards didn't feature a female baby infant born to two homosexual men with three non-binary wise people present......
Yeah, and anyone passing would yell "Holy Christ!"
I think Leper should just be grateful that the cards didn't feature a female baby infant born to two homosexual men with three non-binary wise people present......
I don't know where you got this. I am not homophobic nor am I sexist. You probably were being humorous and I enjoy humour.
I think I've spotted the flaw in your plan :)

Try Veritas - they have loads
Easons is handy to me. All I wanted to do was purchase a box of charity religious cards which for whatever reason appear not to be available.
Market forces. Definitely.
Aren't religions also NGO's that are pushing an agenda?
Market Forces? What market forces? I just wanted to buy something that for years I had already been buying. Religions can do what they wish as far as I am concerned provided they are not offending anyone.
Are you suggesting that the Irish charities somehow knew well in advance that an internal EU committee were looking at guidance on the language to be used in EU publications, and somehow took a leap from there with no evidence whatsoever to suspect that it might end up being extended into some kind of ban on the broader use of Christmas terminology or imagery that would be rolled out into law so quickly that it would have to bypass the normal process?
I know nothing of the EU and the Catholic church. But, if the EU is interfering in the sale of religious Christmas cards, it has got its knickers in a twist.
This subject was moaned about or discussed only last week on the radio with some people having bought boxes of cards only to be disappointed with the lack of nativity scenes on them . There was a few cards which had ' naughty or nice ' , now you would have to be careful who you posted that one to.
There could be a few candidates on AAM money
I don't know of any radio show where the matter was discussed; like I said earlier, I was out of Ireland for a few weeks. And if a radio show was talking about the matter fair enough.
Now Leper look what you started.....
Well, this is a forum where people are invited and entitled to voice their opinion(s). I don't agree with too many on here, but I respect their right to post. I should point out when I put my post up first I received a "warning" that if I didn't change the wording it would be deleted. Therefore, I inserted "Infant" instead of Baby j****s. Looks to me like the forum has some sort of ridiculous religious police now!

Oh! . . . and thanks to everybody who contributed to the thread.
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Nearly every year I'd have my Christmas Cards posted on 8th December. I was out of the country for all of November and early December so this year I knew I'd be a little bit later with the cards. Earlier today I visited Easons to purchase my Christmas Cards. Always I'd choose cards that supported particular charities. Also, I would choose only cards with a Nativity scene. I wouldn't be too taken in by the greeting inside the cards as I usually write my own greetings and make them relevant to the receiver.

Easons has a large stock of "charity" Christmas Cards. But, this year for whatever reason none of them has "Nativity" pictures. There are robins, fir trees, bridges, children throwing snowballs, people skating, snowmen, frozen cottages near frozen lakes, fences with snow dripping from them, rosy cheeked Santas and those goddawful elves and a plethora of other scenes. No Infant, No Virgin Mary, No St-Joseph, No shepherds, No Wise Men - not even a stable, cow or donkey.

Has the ludicrous Moan-About-Everything-Brigade finally had its way regarding Christmas?
Many of the themes sound ideal for the December 25 celebration of Sol Invictus and the Yule period, appropriated by Christians.

But that won't stop you spearheading the Moan-About-Everything-Brigade.
Many of the themes sound ideal for the December 25 celebration of Sol Invictus and the Yule period, appropriated by Christians.

But that won't stop you spearheading the Moan-About-Everything-Brigade.
I have no problem with those of no religion either.
I don't know where you got this. I am not homophobic nor am I sexist.

I never even remotely suggested you are. You are moaning about the lack of traditional nativity cards. All I was pointing out (badly obviously) was that in the current era of political correctness, the nativity scene could be be depicted in any number of ways so as not to offend anyone.

But if you do want to discuss it, lets discuss why Mary, Joesph, and nearly every other character in a Nativity scene are white. Lets discuss we send our children into school to play in nativity plays wearing a towel or sheet on their heads. There are a thousand other things we could discuss about Nativity and bible stories in general.

I couldn't care less if they sell Christmas cards with a picture of Snowman, or a picture depicting some family having a baby in a barn. Buy whatever cards you want.

However if you can't see the irony of you moaning about the Moan-About-Everything brigade when you post about this important issue, then I don't know what to say......
Easons have these Christmas Cards for sale that have lines from traditional Christmas carols. Obviously the International Globalist forces haven't yet fully penetrated Easons buying department with their secularist agenda.

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