to summarise lizam - you need either a degree (any discipline)
or if you don't have a degree you sit the preliminary exam.
then there are 8 FE1 ( final entrance exams part 1 - commonly referred to as 'the blackhalls')
these are:
you must also sit the first irish exam and find a training contract before entering the ppc1 course in blackhall.
The FE1's are on twice a year: march/april and september/october held in dublin and cork. The fee per subject is roughly 100e and application forms are available from the law society website. also there you'll find the syllabus, past exam papers and various prep courses.
hope that helps!
it does, thanks a million.
i dont have a degree so obviously would have to sit the perliminary exam.
But is there a course to guide you towards this exam? i went on the law society website and it seems that you can more or less 'study at home' and then go sit the exam. Surely you need some guidance though? Is there a manual or such?
What would throw me is the irish exam, though a few people ive spoken to says it is very basic. what do you think?
When you sit the FE1's is this a year after the perliminary? and if so, do you do the 8 altogether or can you choose which and when?
God, i realise theres a lot here to answer and i understand if you want to say go away!!!
would appreciate anything though at all ana, thanks so much.
also, finally seriously am i too old???? early thirties to be even THINKING about such a career? like were looking at getting qualified please god in my forties!!!! oh my god, who the hell would hire a trainee solcitor in her forties??