Dispute over credit card payment


Registered User
Sorry about the long post but I think I should outline the situation fully. My mum was purchasing anti-virus software online and was asked for her details and at the end she was asked to enter her credit card details which she did. She clicked on what she thinks was the "continue" button (does it matter if it was the "submit" button?) and was advised that she was proceeding to an unsecured website and did she want to proceed. She said that she did not. We assumed that this was the end of the matter until she received an e-mail thanking her for her purchase. The product she was billed for was more expensive than the product she was intending to buy. Nothing was downloaded and she does not have the anti-virus software. She contacted her credit card company (mastercard) and after being transferred from pillar to post the disputes section told her once she entered her details she had authorised the payment (despite the fact that the payment taken was larger in any event) however her argument is that when she was asked if she wanted to proceed she said she did not. What should she do now?
how about logging onto the main website, hittin gthe 'contact' button and putting case to the company. If they are a reputabel company, they should ( I think) at least read and come back to you.
ask the Online Shop to get a refund! thats the only way u can do get money back.
We have contacted the company which I don't think is reputable! (I think it is based in America as the charge was in US dollars) They say that once the credit card info is submitted she authorised the payment. My argument is that if she choose not to proceed she was not entering into a contract. We have also queried the fact that the payment taken $59.73 is larger than the cost of the product she intended to purchase $32. My question really is if she has no luck with the company where does she stand with the credit card cmpany?
What was the site? It should be pretty easy to establish whether it's reputable or not.
She clicked on what she thinks was the "continue" button (does it matter if it was the "submit" button?)
Sounds like it's not clear what exactly happened?
The product she was billed for was more expensive than the product she was intending to buy.
Due to additional taxes perhaps?
Nothing was downloaded and she does not have the anti-virus software.
Was there not a download link or any email notification of the purchase and a download link?
The "You are proceeding to an insecure website - do you want to proceed?" sounds like the default popup window that web browsers give you when moving from an encrypted (https) to unencrypted (http) page. As such, it sounds like it would appear after the transaction was complete and the user was being forwarded to some kind of "thanks for buying" page.

What was she supposed to get in return for paying? Can you tell us the company or software or is that not allowed?
I've never had a problem getting a dodgy transaction refunded.

Write a letter to your credit card company (forget the call centre monkeys) outlining exactly what happened, that you have tried to contact the website owner and have received nothing. State that you want to do a chargeback.

The CC company will do it.
They probably added taxes to the inital advertised cost.
What was the company name?