deposits,investments or whether i should use my money to pay off my morgage?


Registered User
Hi, i need an independant financial advisor to advise me on deposits,investments or whether i should use my money to pay off my morgage?
the advisor i have been dealing with stands to gain massive commision on the zurich protected bonds ,he is advising.
for some reason i cannot seem to create a new post on this subject..
You need to consider these questions
Your attitude to risk - after all paying down your mortgage offers you a tax free and risk free investment return equal to your mortgage rate in the future. How good is your mortgage deal? Are you on an ecb tracker? What do you think will happen to mortgage rates inthe future? If they go up by 1 2 3 or 4% could you still afford the payments?

Term - how long does you mortgage have to run? how long before you retire etc?
What is your net worth assets less liabilities?
What is your income? Occupation? Is it a high risk employment are you self employed? Or do you have a more secure occupation?
Family circumstances do you have a working spouse or dependents?
These are just some of the questions an adviser would need to discuss just to see where you are now
Then you would need to discuss your financial goals. What is important about money to you? What do you hope to achieve?

In the coming weeks a new qualification will be available in Ireland to help with questions like this.

Look out for A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER (cfp) designation from your adviser. has more details.