Consolidating loans


Registered User
Hi all,

Hopefully someone here might take pity and help!!!...I am looking at the possibility of consolidating some personal loans i have accrued...
THey include a bank loan €12000 approx
cu loan €15000approx
credit card€800...
thre repayments on the bank loan are €254 pm...apr8.9% loan are €300pm...
re the credit card i paying off the minimum balance every month ie approx€20
My take home pay is around €500 pw, and my expenditure is about €250pw
(including the "weekly" equivalent of the loans above!!!...I have about €4000
in shares which is tied up in the cu, and due to the cu loan i cant get at...
Also i have an ssia which is currently worth if i cashed it approx €2700...i havent paid into it in a while, but was goin to start paying into it again next that would keave me then with adisposable income of approx€190
Can i get my loans refinanced at abetter rate than im currently getting???
(Remortgaging isnt an option for me presently!!!)...Secondly should i consider cashing in my SSIA???...By the way i have 21 months left that i could be paying into the ssia!!!!...the term of my loans are 5 there any way i can get abetter interest rate without neccesarily changing the duration over which im paying???
thanking ye all in anticipation!!!