Company wishes to invest @ 600k, what are options


Registered User

A company I work for has around 600k to invest. This money is currently in a BOI USD current account and will be needed bit by bit from about 18-24months time to run the day to day expenses of the company.

So what kind of an account should this be invested in that would earn it some interest. Is there a good USD hold account that it can be lodged to that will have good rates

Is investment risky seeing it is basically the next 5 years of the compnaies working capital that this money is for?

Any imput at all at all would be helpful!
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The way things are to-day doesn't make sense to have all eggs in one basket so split over a few accounts/companies.
My small input - I'm not sure I'd hold all that money in US dollars regardless of the interest rate. This currency is fragile to say the least.