Coming off the mortgage but staying on the deeds


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Hi, myself and the ex broke up some time back, she is in the house and is paying the mortgage with the help of a lodger who is renting a room. I am looking to move on and buy a new place myself. Our bank has said it is fairly straight forward enough to remove my name from the mortgage as she has no problems paying the mortgage on her own. The next step is to get my name off the deeds which will have to be done through solicitors after we come to an agreement on how much I get from her to buy my half of the house. This may take some time so I am just looking to find out if it safe/wise for me to take my name off the mortgage while we negotiate between us? Any help would be most grateful
I think these 2 things happen somewhat simultaneously. Once you set the wheels in motion with the bank to get your name off the mortgage, as part of that your name will be taken off the deeds.